About Us

Launched in 2021, the Record Emporium is run by Frank Shankly.
Frank worked in two record stores (Sam Goody and Record Theater) and purchased at hundreds more, so we understands your love, and sometimes obsession, with vinyl.
There are plenty of record stores that sell everything -- LPs, cassettes, 8-tracks -- but, we sell and specialize in only one format: 45s.
We're pleased to offer an ever-expanding selection (currently 15,000+) of rare, regional, and promo labels, as well as a cornucopia of consumer-release pop, soul, and country. The Record Emporium scours California and the country for singles you'll want to own and listen to. And listen to. And listen to again.
Frank Shankly's Record Emporium is a proud member of the Association for Recorded Sound Collections. And, yes, we love The Smiths.